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Book Summary: Algorithms to Live ByHow to deal with life, based on Computer Science algorithmsMay 12, 2023May 12, 2023
Published inTDS ArchiveTurn Photos into Cartoons Using PythonYou can give a cartoon effect to a photo by implementing machine learning algorithms in Python.Jan 2, 202123Jan 2, 202123
Published inTDS ArchiveAnalyzing Music Video Trends on Youtube Using PythonFind out the most popular music videos based on Youtube search trends.Nov 15, 20201Nov 15, 20201
Published inTDS ArchivePython Bar Chart Race Animation: COVID-19 CasesCOVID-19 has crushed many countries for over eight months. Million cases has been confirmed, and the number keeps getting higher everyday.Sep 18, 20202Sep 18, 20202
BigQuery and Apache Airflow: The Fundamental Tools for Data WarehousingIn any kind of business environments, data has played a major role to drive important decisions. Many companies have realized that the…Jul 6, 2020Jul 6, 2020